March 7th, 2025 | Posted in Air Cleaners
At Air Quality Engineering, we understand that air cleaning isn’t free. The less air you have to clean, the less money you’ll spend keeping the plant air breathable. Since source capture (also called “local exhaust ventilation” in the textbooks) allows one to capture and clean the minimum amount of air necessary to achieve that goal, source capture is the preferred solution when it can be implemented. One of the better examples of source capture is…
Continue Reading »November 4th, 2024 | Posted in Welding
The short answer to the question posed above is that welding fume has been classified as a human carcinogen with the lung as the target organ. In view of that information, using the most effective filtration is obviously good sense. We have long known that prolonged over exposures to welding fume places welders at increased risk for respiratory system ailments, particularly lung cancer[i]. Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) and nickel compound exposures have long been identified as…
Continue Reading »September 24th, 2024 | Posted in Air Cleaners
Health Effects Wildfire smoke is more than just malodourous: it is a real health hazard. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, “Wildfire smoke is a mixture of air pollutants of which particulate matter is the principal public health threat. Extensive scientific evidence has demonstrated health effects in response to short-term (i.e., daily) particulate matter exposure ranging from eye and respiratory tract irritation to more serious effects, including reduced lung function, pulmonary inflammation, bronchitis, exacerbation of asthma…
Continue Reading »September 20th, 2024 | Posted in General
Everyone deserves to breathe in clean, fresh air, and at Air Quality Engineering, we work hard to ensure that our customers receive the most cost-effective, high-quality air cleaners and filtration systems that will meet their specific needs. Whether you’re considering an air cleaner for your home, an office, a welding workspace, or even a medical setting, we offer products for every environment.
Continue Reading »August 21st, 2024 | Posted in Air Cleaners, General
There’s a variety of mist collection equipment available for people to choose from; media, centrifugal and electrostatic precipitators being the most popular. To get the results you want for your work environment, the question you should be asking is what works best for “my” application. But there’s not always an easy answer to that.
Continue Reading »August 2nd, 2024 | Posted in Air Cleaners
NIOSH recommends using mist collectors engineered for the operation and specific machine enclosures. WHY? A question our air quality technicians get asked is: “What is so bad about coolant mist that we should install mist collection equipment?” A perfectly rational question, it led to spending a little time Googling Safety Data Sheets for Metal Working Fluids. Although in the shop we use the term “coolant,” in the scientific literature, the term most frequently used for…
Continue Reading »June 26th, 2024 | Posted in Air Cleaners
When mitigating CNC (or manual) machining coolant mist, the technology of choice is nearly always electrostatic precipitators. There are, however, exceptions. Let’s discuss some situations where media filtration is the preferred solution. But first, a quick review of these two technologies is in order. Electrostatic Precipitators or Electronic Air Cleaners Coolant mist removal starts with an impinger section. The larger spray and mist droplets impact the impinger and adhere to the plates or mesh. The…
Continue Reading »June 24th, 2024 | Posted in General
The U.S. and Canada continue to experience devastating wildfires on a regular basis. The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) reports that, in 2023, a total of 56,580 fires burned 2,693,910 acres in the U.S. And at this time there are still large fires burning in Alaska, Florida, New Mexico and other states. All ready this year Canadian wildfires have been so large that they have impacted air quality as far south as South Dakota. Residents have experienced hazy skies as wildfire smoke fills the outdoor air. We know that this smoky outdoor air is dangerous to breathe, but do you know how wildfires affect indoor air quality? And what you can do to manage them?
Continue Reading »May 21st, 2024 | Posted in Welding
Updated 5/21/2024 For welding, AQE recommends utilizing a source capture hood as the primary means of capturing smoke, fumes and VOC’s. For many manual welding jobs, the welder will be welding on parts that are positioned or clamped on a table or bench. In addition, there may be a custom fixture in use to assure repeatability. For larger weldments, the welder will be welding directly on a part that is “free-standing”. In either scenario, the…
Continue Reading »February 14th, 2024 | Posted in Air Cleaners
When specifying a machine tool coolant mist filtration system, the purchaser is confronted with the choice between an electronic filtration unit or a media filtration unit. Given that electronic units are generally a few hundred dollars more expensive the question often becomes, what does the buyer get for the extra money? The short answer is: Long-Term Savings. In order to justify that statement, a short description of the two coolant mist filtration technologies is in…
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