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Get Your Welding Fume as a Carcinogen White Paper Today!

If you are in the welding industry, there’s a lot on new information out there to digest. This includes The International Association for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifying “welding fume” as Group 1 carcinogen.

In this white paper, “Welding Fume as a Carcinogen”, we dive into their findings, examine what can be done to mitigate over exposures and make a recommendation for a path into the future.

All you need to do to get this informative white paper today is complete the form on this page. In a few clicks you’ll have the information you’ve been wanting.



About the Author:Dr. Mike Harris

Mike Harris received an earned research Doctorate from Louisiana State University in 1979 and is President of Hamlin & Harris, Incorporated in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

In 2002 Dr. Harris was named “Friend of the American Industrial Hygiene Association Press” and in 2003, his book, “Welding Health and Safety: A Field Guide for the OEHS Professional” was selected as “Critic’s Choice” for best non-committee AIHA publication.

He is lead author of Chapter 42 “Confined Spaces in “The Occupational Environment – Its Evaluation and Control” and Editor of “Essential Resources in Industrial Hygiene, A Compendium of Current Practices, Standards and Guidelines.”

Mike is also co-author of “Field Guidelines for Temporary Ventilation of Confined Spaces with an Emphasis on Hotwork” with Stephanie Carter and Lindsay Booher.